Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Life is so full of dilemas that

it's hard to know what to do sometimes. Do I stay home and clean the house or do the grocery shopping? Do I clean the pool or plant the flowers? Do I make a doctor's appt. or do I write on my blog? Some days the decisions are easy and some days they are not. Today is not an easy one. I just want to finish everything all at once and I have hardly started. I kept one child home from school today because of sickness and now have to go pick up the other one. I have a dentist appointment and also need to organize my kitchen. The list is never ending.

I have made one firm decision. That decision is to sell my horses. I don't want to but I need to. I don't have the time, energy, or money they require. We are officially going to be city people. Life puts us through a lot of changes but I also know that I can get them back at a later date.

Got to go get Christopher now.


Mrs. Darling said...

Officially city people? Shiver me timbers woman! I jsut wish I coul be some thing officially! Know what I mean? Sometimes I feel like I straddle a million different worlds. But it's nice to know that I know official people. Got to find prestige where I can ya know?

Am boy do I know all about not knowing what to do next and too many things needing done at a time! Oh boy. I sooooo hear ya!

Mrs. Darling said...

Oh one more thing.Does this mean that the kids are officially done with 4H too?

Kanga said...

Yes mam, they are officially done. My boy said it was too much for him.

As for things to do, i want to sit back and pretend it doesn't exist.

got to go to the dentist now. Ouch!