Tuesday, February 21, 2006

One Fine Day, One Not So Fine Night

One fine day was spent up on the mountain. It was a glorious day with the beauty of white everywhere and a feeling of flying down the slope. I forget each year how much I like to skii. The wind in your face, the rush you get from the back and forth motion, the excitement of passing everyone who is falling, and knowing you aren't among them. It was wonderful. When I am up there it feels just a little like Heaven to me. God's beauty is at it's best to me up there looking out at creation. I just love it. Dick Bob and Christopher had a ball up there. They are very good at snowboarding. They love every minute up there and are on the last run every time. Of course, we only make it up there about twice a year. We have fun each time. We decided to take Eyore too as it appeared he was ont he up Sunday night. It appeared the steroids were doing their job and it was going to be a short day up there. He got up so excited Monday morning. We did not get on the slope until 11:00 and he has snowboarded before. He was a trooper and by 1:00 was snowboarding down well. At 2:00 he was winding down fast. We put his skiis away and sat in the lodge. He wanted to GO HOME! I knew he had probably overdone it, but darn it, he needs to have some fun once in awhile. For him, this fun is so far and few between. All in all, it was a great day. I'll post pictures later.

Last night Eyore started throwing up. At first, I assumed it was just tiredness. He was doing is ongoing coughing and I thought maybe his coughing was causing him to throw up. Nope! Evertime he took a drink it came right back up before it even hit the stomach. This went on all evening. The doc said to not let him have anything at all and see if he calms down. Sure enough, he calmed down. The question for me is is he going to start throwing up this morning if he drinks water. I don't think it was even making down his throat before it came back up. It appeared to me to be some sort of blockage. Not sure, but will test my theory this morning. Of to get my kids to school. Will post later on Eyore.


Meg: said...

We had the stomach flu going around here recently, too. It's NO FUN. Blech!

Kanga said...

It ends up being a throat restriction. He'll have to have surgery. Ahhhh!