Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm Liking the Homeschool Scene

O.K. So I got a little frustrated yesterday, but overall we had a good day. We slept in so we didn't start school til 12:00 and still got it all done. He had to have a nap and a couple of rest periods but overall he did o.k. Today we started earlier because we have quite a bit to do. He has a hard time answering the questions from the story in his reading book. They are asking him to form his own opinion and that is hard at this age. He also had to play a game with me that took a good half hour. We have done his daily work but are still working on finishing his reading. They word things very strangely in his work. On one page, it has to be answered directly from the text, on the next page, it has to be thought out and read into to get the answer. Ahhhh!

My house is not as clean as I want it to be. There is no time to be lazy and then hurry up and clean. I don't mind, but I can tell it is going to take some adjusting.

Our last foster baby was put into an adoptive home a year ago. Now the judge has decided that he must be returned to his bio mother. They are devistated and he is not doing well. He is 3 1/2 now and acts out. He is so clingy! The visits went from 3 hours a week to open ended on the week-ends and week nights. My dear friend, his mother, wasn't sure what to do. They had a family planning meeting and the supervisor stopped that. The visits are now set up for Tuesday and Thursday night at her house for 2 hours and then on Saturday from 3:00 to 8:00. The bio mom can take him wherever. On Sunday the bio mom can take him to their church and then take him back home to their house and put him down for a nap. That is so much better on our baby boy and on my friend. They were throwing too much at him to soon. I am still praying she will walk away and they get to keep him. This is a two parent family and the stability is great for our boy. It is very emotional for all of us. Our little Roo and him are siblings and they are very close and connected.

We are going swimming with them on Friday night. What fun. He told me he can swim under water with his eyes open! Mom informes me it is with his goggles on! He is so adorable and deserves the best. The laws are not set up for these little guys.

Little Roo is struggling in school and at home. She can't keep track of her stuff to save her life. She barely got her book report done in time this month, but we DID!

Off to lunch now.


Anonymous said...


I just checked out your blog, I found it through Mrs. Darlings. Anyways, I wanted to comment about your migraine episode last month. That's pretty much all I've read so far, but the last time I had a season of migraines, I ended up being diagnosed with a sinus infection that I didn't even know was there. I finally got on antibiotics and the migraines went away. Something to look into if you start having a bunch of them.


Kanga said...

Tammy, so nice of you to check me out. I will look into that. Thanks for the info. Did you feel like you had a sinus infection? Just curious because I don't feel like it but I am sneezing a lot and my nose is definetely off. Do you have a site I might check out?