Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Eyore and more

Well, I am back now. Took a couple of days off because I have been exhausted. Eyore and Christopher have been so sick but I see the sunshine today, meaning there must be hope at the end of the rope. Christopher has made it almost all day at school today. Yesterday he made it about 2 hours. His cough is so icky but he is a trooper. Eyore, on the other hand, is still at home. He has had one thing after another. I took him back to the doctor and he has costochondritis. Now, I have been googling with Mrs. Darling to find out ourselves what we thought he had. We came up with this a couple of days ago and sure enough, we were right. He will be in pain for a couple of weeks but it should go away. It usually occurs when children are growing. The ribs and breastbone are growing, causing pain. The doctor said this could also be happening because he has been on crutches too. There is a possibility it is a fractured rib, but we are choosing not to xray unless we really need to. It wouldn't change what we do, so we don't want to expose him. They are also thinking he may have mono. He is so tired and he has been sleeping during the day or laying down. He very seldom sits up. He says it is hard to sit up and complains of being very tired. So, if this doesn't dissappear by Friday, they will do the blood test. Please pray for him. He has missed so much school that he is getting behind.

Did anyone see the sunshine today. God must have known we needed to see it to survive. I have felt so depressed lately and this makes me smile! I even walked around our new back yard to see what plants were comming up and we have several. I was excited to see the first bits of flowers comming. I am absolutely nuts about flowers and keep many planted during the spring and summer.

Must be off now. Laundry and housecleaning beckon me.


Mrs. Darling said...

I'm curious. Did you ask them to look for this or did they find it on their own? Isnt it amazing that we have to be our own doctors so much of the time?

Anonymous said...

I am catching up on your blog for the first time in several days. I am so sorry that your children are so sick. It's so stressful to deal with, both because of the added load, and the knowledge that they are uncomfortable. You will be in my prayers.

I don't have time right now to catch up on all of your posts, but I did read down to the one where you mentioned St. Jude. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is Duane's and my pet charity, and we donate to them every year. I have heard wonderful things about them, and no child is ever turned down, no matter what financial state the parents are in. (I don't say this as a reflection of your financial state. I have no idea what that is! I just mention that as an example of the kind of place it is.) I do know however that they are a cancer research hospital, and that their mission is to find cures for each type of cancer. The information they have gathered over the years has been phenomenal, and the fatality rate of certain types of cancer has dropped drastically. I have no idea if this answers any questions you had about the place, but I do know for sure that it is a top-notch facility. I wish you God's best as you continue to find out what is wrong with your boy.

Kanga said...

Mrs. D- He found it on his own.

Thanks for the info on St. Judes Denise. I do know they do a lot of research for cancer but I also know that they do a lot of genetic research too. Wether Eyore would qualify is unknown. The pics of your kids are so cute! So glad Cierra is feeling better. Are you rested up yourself?

Meg: said...

Yikes, poor kid!

I, too, love flowers. I just started gardening last year. Until that point, I'd always thought anything with roots was trying to kill me (i.e. allergies). I finally decided I didn't care, and that I loved the beauty more than I hated sneezing!

Meg: said...

By the way...Eeyore is my favorite character!

Kanga said...

Meg, He is our favorite character around here and my son fits it well! Thanks for commenting, it's fun to get comments. As for the flowers I beleive the beauty outweighs the rest too. Thanks again