Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sunday is for Reflection

I'll settle for this color today, although I am not sure what it is. Sort of a peach I guess. I just like it. I got up this morning ready to go to church but oh so tired. I was wondering why I stayed up so late knowing I had 5 kids to get around and my husband. I know that every Sunday I go to church without fail unless there is sickness. I know how long it will take yet I still watched "Remember The Titans". It was a good movie but I am now tired. So, I started on my routine slightly late and had an extra girlfriend to get ready for church. She is little Roo's friend and they are both 7. She has long hair and I always curl Roo's so I had to curl hers too. We managed to get all 4 showers and 3 baths done and we were not late! Amazing! You could say the sermon had points about reflection and where you are in your christian walk. It made me think. When was the last time I asked God for a closer walk with thee? When was the last time I took a good look at myself and talked to God about it? I found it was over a week ago and that is far to long if you don't want to forget why you are a Christian. If you want to raise your children to be Christians. I do this, just not often enough. So, today I have thought about why my life was so tough this week and wondering if God was trying to get my attention. I spent too much, had 2 days of migraines, ran out of my money for the week and the brakes went bad on the van. I am ready and willing to pray, read my Bible, and ask God what he wants of me this week. I hope all of you reading this can remember why we are who we are. God Bless you all

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