I have decided there is no where to sleep anymore. Everywhere I try I can barely stand in the morning. We have bought new beds, tried air beds, thin ones, thick ones. I have slept on all the kids' beds. Each one of theirs is different. I have traded one of my friends her new fangled water bed, I have slept on the couch, I have tried my mothers water bed and all to the same deal. I can barely walk any given morning. If I switch beds I may get a night or two but not much more than that. I am the only one up this morning because my back feels as though I broke it in the middle. It is excruciating to keep lying down and excruciating to get up. I decided to get up this morning and lay on my couch, but my son is on it. Now why is my son on my couch? Who knows. I keep taking Advil but I know that it is not good for me but how else do I function each morning. I take long hot showers and stretch all I can. By 10 or so each day I am better but I just dread going to bed at night. I stayed up til midnight chatting over a cup of tea with a friend but still my back aches so. I need to start our morning so we can get to church without much fuss but oh how I don't want to. I want to find a comfortable place to curl up in and try for some shut eye. However, I know better so I guess I'm off to the shower.
Just a couple of pics of my kids WHEN THE SUN WAS SHINING!
Mrs. Kanga
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