O.K. So after I left my post last night I started to get a migrane. Now, I get a lot of migraines so this wasn't worring me. I took some imatrex and went down to bed. I thought I would just relax and semi watch a little tv. As the next hour went on my migrane got worse. It kept getting worse. Finally I was just withering in pain. It was so bad yet I couldn't cry. I was afraid to cry lest it hurt even more. I tossed and turned, moaned, held my head this way and that, then tried to hold perfectly still. Nothing was working. In the wee hours of the morning I got up and took another pill. I was sure this one would work. Not a chance. The rest of the night wasn't much better. It is now 2:00 in the afternoon and I can barely sit here and type. I have been getting more and more migranes over the past six months. In the last month I had one week where I had it off and on the whole week. Off and on meaning a two hour break here and there. It wasn't so bad I had to go to the doctor but I couldn't function properly either. My mom is begging me to go to the doctor and get a shot but I am allergic to all narcotics. I will get deathly sick for at least 2 days. So do I prefer the pain or the violent throwing up? So here I sit wondering if anyone out there has any ideas. Someone gave me some Sunbreeze, an ointment you put on your temples. It helps some but it doesn't really take it away. I am at my witts end here and very tired to boot. My house is falling apart and my children will be home in 2 more hours and will want to do something tonight. On Fridays we usually have a family night. So, pray please that I will get over this and be able to spend a nice evening with the fam. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be eternally grateful.
Oh, my ride at the arena with my horse turned out to be fun. The person wanting to ride didn't show up so they let me ride my horse in their drill team. It was a hoot. They even asked me if I wanted to join. I'm not going to though because the time committment is too great for me and the money is too. I had a good time though.
It's Saturday a.m. now and I hope you're feeling better! I've never dealt with migranes before (I'm known to complain and go to bed if I get a pressure headache! Can you imagine?!) I have however observed close friends that have dealt with them, and my heart goes out to you. Is there any alternative to a shot? I've seen commercials for pills for migranes, but then I've also heard as many people say that they don't work, as people say that they do. I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the encouragement. I do feel better just drained of energy. I have already been on migrane pills and am considering asking for the shots. I just hate going to the doctor.
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