Tis the question. I just started up this blog and I can't decide if I am afraid of it or not. There are so many things to think about. Who will read this? Do I care if anyone reads this? (of course I do) Should I talk about politics? How in the world do I change my settings? The list goes on. My friend showed me how to do several things. I get home and can't remember a thing. I have tried to change the "Wife of One bit" (this is up there thanks to Mrs. Darling), but I can't figure it out. I was so sure I knew how after she showed me, but noooo. I wanted to link a fellow blogger on here, but I can't remember how to do this either. I have to say I am having a ball on here and reading other blogs too. It feels as if there are many kindred spirits out there. We all have so many of the same joys, struggles, hardships, and adventures. I am quite excited when I see people have visited my site. Thanks to all who have!
I went over to spend some time with my horse this morning and what do you think I found? Mud and more mud and more mud. I thought maybe I would spend an hour over there grooming one horse. Noooo, it took me two hours and he still doesn't look that good. To top that off he has some rain rott on his back. This rain is absolutely depressing! The vet said there are many horse owners dealing with this because the horses can't get DRY! They told me I needed to get him dry and expose him to the sun. Now I ask you, What Sun? There was a brief ray of sunshine this afternoon, but I can't make it over to the horses before the sun goes away. So here I sit with a horse in a barn instead of outside. I want to ride tonight and I told someone else they could ride my horse tonight too. I don't dare let him out because there is so much MUD. I would never get him clean and dry by tonight. Not to mention that it most assuredly would rain the minute I let him out. Now, I could put a blanket on him right? The last time I put a blanket on him he managed to get his front leg through the neck hole and was caught up. He couldn't even walk. We had to try and put his front leg and his head through the blasted blanket and get it off him. Dick Bob and I were afraid he was going to rear or bolt right in the middle of his head and leg going through it. As it was he reared his head up so fast that it hit Dick Bob in the face. Ouch! It was one of those horse blankets that slips over the neck, not buckles. So, no more blanket for him. I decided after putting two hours into him this morning that he could stay in the barn so he looked half way decent tonight at the arena. I am off in the cold to watch him ride and see if he likes "Drill Team". Drill Team is where they do fancy riding stuff at Rodeo's and Parades. Who knows, maybe he'll become famous!
My mother is making dinner tonight. I love it. She is making stew. It will be perfect for a night out when it is cold. My mother lives with us and she loves to do laundry and cooking. I hate laundry and cooking so it works for me! There are ups and downs but overall it works for us. For the record, They live with us, not the other way around.
I must be off now. Dick Bob bought a fixer upper pick up and he wants to go pay for it. He just turned 16 and is really growing up. He got a job and is paying for his own things. I am quite proud of him.
Hi! What a fun blog! I always enjoy meeting new people on here. I started in Nov. Do you know Mrs. Darling in person? I grew up around her, and enjoy keeping up with her through her blog. I feel for you with all the rain you get in OR....I must say I don't miss it! Looking forward to hearing from you again!
ha tigers little sweetie grew up across the tress from me in Estacada. She too used to be a Mennonite. Yes we know each other in person denise.
And Rebeccca I never knew horse could get rain rot on their back. Eeeeewww!
Nice to meet you Tiggerslittesweetie(Denise). Yes, I know Mrs. Darling in person. She is a hoot! Where do you all reside now? I will have to start reading your blog. Enjoy your day.
Hey Tiggerslittlesweete, I can't get your blog to come up. It keeps telling me I have an error. Could you send it to me. Thanks
And Mrs. Darling, it is eeewwwww. But it is mainly like really bad cradle cap!
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