When sickness is present it feels as though it is going to last "To Infinity And Beyond." I know it will not, but I must admitt this is how I feel. I took Christopher to the Doc's today, making that the third trip in 1 week! His asthma is bad so he has to go on steroids for the week. He hasn't had to be on them for almost a year so he should do fine. Eyore is finally taking a turn for the better and ALL of them made it to school today.
I was talking to Mrs. Darling about Tink and it makes me think there was some strange things going on up where they had Tink tested. Not while Tink was there, but while I was there with Eyore. I had told her not to get to excited but here she is with a diagnosis and I with none. They did so many things with Tink while my Eyore got none of that. I was excited and dissappointed because I think I must have gotten something else. The doc's say it is the same but there is no way. If we could get the same kind of testing that Tink got then I beleive we could get somewhere with my Eyore. He has a lot of the same traits as Tink but he also has a health component too. He was born 6 weeks early, which was not too early but it did seem to affect him. We do know that all his teeth are too soft and some of his permanent teeth are missing. His other teeth came in in the wrong position. We know that his asthma is uncontrollable, we know that his bones are not as strong as they should be. He has been a very ill child in the last year, however did well through the fall. He then tripped on his foot and fractured it just walking through the kitchen. He is always getting strange infections too. No one gets sick when Eyore is sick so we know it has to do with him. The genetics doc said he is sure Eyore has some sort of disorder, they are just not sure which one. They tested him for some genetic bone disorders and they came up negative. I have been debating going back for more testing which the doctor will support, I just don't know if I want to be disapointed again. I have been told about a hospital in Alabama, St. Judes Research Hospital. A friend told me that you take your child there and they keep you there for about 1 to 3 weeks UNTIL they figure out what is going on. I would really like to see about getting in there. I know there will be expenses and I hate leaving my other kids. My youngest, Roo has a hard time with seperation. She was adopted and her mom was a regular meth user while she was pregnant. She is a wonderful girl, just doesn't like any changes in her life. If anyone reading this has any info or first hand information on St. Judes I would love to hear from you. I think I will quit now and go get on the hospitals website.
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