Thursday, May 11, 2006

Multi Colored Cast

So we could have some variety in our life, they gave Eyore a multi colored cast. It's very cute! Don't want to tell him that or he would not be a happy camper. To continue the saga of our life, the cast dried at an angle making it almost impossible for Eyore to walk. So now we have a great cast but he can't walk. Huh! Is there something I'm missing here? I'm almost embarresed to ask or say something to the doctors again. The doc that does this type of cast is due any day and won't be able to fix it if she has the baby. Oh well, that's life.

I went on a 10 mile bike ride today and I'm sooo tired. I love it much better than walking but I am overweight and that bike seat is @#$@$##$ hard. I keep thinking I'm going to get used to it but so far I haven't. It's only been four days of riding consistantly though. Maybe next week I will feel better.

Mothers day is such a dilema. I always get to pick out my own flowers. The kids and hubby take me to a cool nursery and I go around and pick whatever I want. I get alot! I enjoy it. This year I'm not sure what to do. I desperately need a new bike but I have always gotten flowers. What to do. Sigh. Sigh again. I hate change!


1 comment:

Mrs. Darling said...

jsut get a new bike seat. DH did that for me. He bought a big wide seat that dont cut my circultion plum off!