The steps are the new oak boards I bought. I put 7 coats on them to make them durable! They better be. I found this neat little storage unit on clearance and 50 percent off to keep things neat and tidy. Owl put a shelf above the units to keep the very used items. We put a roll around laundry unit on the other side. It rolls out allowing more room to fold clothes. There is even a place for the brooms and such on the side. Owl put in a special dryer vent allowing the dryer to be close to the wall. This allows us as much space as possible. I painted one wall chocolate brown and the others a nice light brown. It turned out very nice. We still have to do the top of the low wall and one window casing but it is coming together.
I started painting at 9:00 this morning and didn't stop until 4:00 p.m. I took about 10 minutes off to eat at one point. I still have a few touch up spots but nothing too major. I was amazed that it took me all day and I still didn't finish. The cut in was tricky as some of the walls and windows are over the stairs.
Owl moved the washer and dryer up with our oldest and everything worked right off. It took us most of the night to clean up our mess. We still had wood, tools, dirt, sheetrock, paint, garbage, ect. all over the kitchen and outside the doors. Owl worked hard at cleaning the outside while I worked hard at cleaning the inside.
Life is full of surprises and we hope the grandparents like theirs. I have already done some laundry tonight and I love it. I think they will too.
Eyore is doing o.k. this week. We are having a much better week than last week. He has done some school work all week-end and today. I was excited to see him up and around. His foot is still hurts him alot but I am noticing that he is putting his toes on the ground. Every little bit is progress!
We are nearing the end of the school year and I am so glad. I will be happy to not have to do school lunches and a firm schedule. I like to sleep in. I haven't even done my excersizes since starting this project. I am going biking tomorrow. I hope it isn't too bad after a week off.
I am off to pick up the grandparents. Wish me luck.
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