So yesterday was mother's day and it was just beautiful. I love the sunshine. I mean I really love the sunshine! We bought a house we are fixing up and it came with an inground pool. We have never had such a wonderful time. We ended up having two other couples and kids come over and had a wonderful barbque, then we swam away the afternoon. It was the best day ever. When have you ever been able to lounge by the pool all after noon. There is never a pool around when we need it! There is usually no time to lay around in the pool either. So, here we sat listing to the children laugh and play while we relaxed in the other end of the pool. It was the best day ever!
On a sad note, I just have to write about our little boy Spiderman (he really thinks he is spider man, he told me so). We adopted his sister, then cared for him for over a year. He went to an adoptive home in January a year ago. He's been with his adoptive parents for a year and a half now and has to return to his bio mom now. It is devistating for everyone involved. We have felt safe on our end and knew he was always loved and cared for deeply. They spoil him deeply! The judge has decided that after 2 1/2 years that the bio mom has done enough now and can have him back. He is now 3 1/2 years old. He is extremely attached to his current parents and likes the "new mom" o.k. but does not grasp that he has to go back. The adoptive parents, especially the mom is having a very difficult time. They never intended to do foster care, just adopt. Now they are loosing their little boy. We have been able to see him and talk to him any time we want and vice-versa for Sjpiderman. I don't know what God's plan is but I do know we parents can't see how this is best for Spiderman. We are all devistated by the turn of events. The mom was not even in the picture when we had him. Both bio parents have a very disturbing and legal past. The bio mom is very kind and nice but it's just not fair for Spiderman. He has been through so much already. We are trusting God daily for his care of the boy. We know God says he is his. Please pray with us that all parties can see what's best for Spiderman and Grace would abound for the current adoptive family. Mom is understandably emotional and heartbroken. She has taught him the faith of God and we pray daily that the bio mom will keep this up. We also pray that the bio mom will see what's best and let him stay with his current family. Thank you for your prays.
Roo is not taking the move very well either. She is very afraid she will not see him anymore. She talks to him a couple of times a week and spends days over there. This is a hard adjustment for an 8 year old to make. We all need prayer through this difficult time.
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