Sunday, March 11, 2007

I Need Some Sleep

I am so tired today. For some strange reason I couldn't get to sleep last night. It started out with one of the boys getting sick. Then I just couldn't fall asleep. Last time I looked at the clock it was 3:34 a.m. That is bad when it's daylight savings time and I'm loosing an hour of sleep already. I don't think I've felt this foggy for a long time.

We came up with this brilliant idea to go out and shop for bathroom stuff for our new fixture. We figured, if we were tired (Pa had been sick), then shopping for our tile would be a good idea. Not! Do you know how many different kinds of tile there are? How about colors? Size? Stone? The list goes on. We spent 3 hours trying to decide. We did get floor tile but I gave up on the shower and wall tile. I just couldn't decide. I got my vanity, faucet, shower head, toilet, floor tile, and accent tiles now. I suppose it would help if we had a floor first. Oh well!

I do so hate it when we get sick. I am happy it's not nearly as often as it used to be.

We started a new Sunday School class this morning that is going to prove awsome. It is a parent support group for teens. Yes! We need that. Although if we have survived this long, I suppose we will continue to survive. I was amazed at how all the parent there have children going through tough times or had been through tough times. I shall enjoy it. Just a little reprieve from trying to survive alone.

On a weary note, my children can memorize verses faster than I can get the first phrase memorized. It's anoying. I am very happy for them, just anoyed that it takes me so long.

Got to go for now. Ta Ta

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