Friday, March 09, 2007

For the one person who wants to see me here

Well, I suppose if a phone call is too much for some, I can write again. I really don't have much time to do this as I am searching craigslist or remodeling our home the majority of the time. I will, however, tell my happenings, boring that they are, here just for you my friend.

You ask me who this friend is? I shall not name names, except to say she has a tinkerbell in her world!

Since last summer many things have transpired. I decided to homeschool 2 of my 4 kids. As of January, I pulled the youngest out to homeschool her too. I love it, even though I am busy!

We decided to go all organic, as Christopher became so ill, I feared for his life. He is now off all medications, has had absolutely NO ashtma attacks, has not been back to the regular doctor, is up and running by 7 or 8:00 in the morning. He is riding his bike, which he previously could not do for the past 3 years. Not only Christopher, but all of us have absolutely no more ashtma problems. We are all doing better health wise.

We plan on growing a large garden this year. Our swiming pool has a leak we are trying to figure out. We are putting in a bathroom downstairs (big project), We have added the fifth bedroom, put in a large window in the basement, letting in more light. We have done some landscaping, put in a new large window in the living room and sided part of the front of the house.

Our oldest child got his liscence with a 100% on his test. He drives everywhere now and drives us crazy. He has a steady girlfriend. Our next child is a teenager and goes to a fabulous youth group out in Molalla. All the kids are doing a fantastic job of memorizing verses and reading their Bible.

I have had a downfall in my health. I am dealing with almost daily migraines. Not sure what is up with that.

I have a great group of friends that are supportive and all homeschoolers. I love that.

Hubby and I have been hired out to do some out of town work. It is good money and we are able to pay off and do more things.

Hubby is so busy with extra work that we hardly get to see him.

We are attending a Bible training class and a wonderful biblestudy that is so insightful. We are learing more each day about the Lord and what we are here for.

We love our new church and can't imagine being anywhere else.

I have to go for now, will write more later.


Mrs. Darling said...

Well blow me down and pick me up, you actually posted! Sounds like you've been busy. When you get done you can come finish our remodel! tee hee.

So you're homeschooling 3 of the kids? How fun. Tink and Peter keep me hopping! We start school at 9 and finish around 2. So what curriculum are you using? Do tell us all about it?

What are the out of town jobs. You said "we" got some out of town jobs. You mean you and hubby got remodeling jobs or what?

You have a lot of writing to do now young lady. Does your mom still live with you?

So get busy on this here blog and tell us all about it.

Kanga said...

The out of town jobs are indeed remodeling. Rick does the remodeling, and I do the organizing. It's nice to be paid now.