Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Blessing from the Lord

How can one say enough about how great our God is? He is bigger than this universe and who am I to doubt Him, but doubt him I do. My oldest son is causing me great disstress and I'm not sure how to handle it. I must say that the ladies at church have surrounded me in prayer and are continually praying for him and his new wife.

He just doesn't get it. If he is "stressed out" he goes and hangs with his buddies instead of his wife. What? What is he doing? He is crazy!!!!!! He needs to be concentrating on taking care of his wife and children, spending time with his wife, learning what it means to be married and helping encourage her.

She is struggling in school so she talked to the school and they have put her in a slow down program so she can still become a Medical Assistant but not until next year. I think it's a great plan. My husband thinks it's a great plan. Her parents think it's a great plan. Not so much for Dick Bob. Oh no, Daisey Mae is much smarter than that so this is rediculous. He is so unrealistic that it makes me angry. She is trying to carry a full school load while raising a baby. He doesn't want to help because he's "stressed out" and leaves. AAAAAHHHHHH.

Dick Bob got laid off his job tonight and I am just praying that God gives him a job where he is surrounded by other christians. He so needs a relationship with God. How will anything he does ever be good enough? He can be a good worker but if your soul is lost it won't do you anygood.

I pray daily for him and Daisey Mae. I am so blessed to have a church so behind me and my family. They encourage me every time I see them.

I shall try and live a life filled with God's love this week. I am thankful that Jesus was born so He could die for us and save us. I put up the lights so we can be the light of this world. I put up the star so we can be reminded of the star that guided the shepherds. I put up the snowmen because I love them.

God bless you all


Mrs. Darling said...

Obviously he wasnt ready for marriage. What is wrong with kids anyway? Raising teens is harder than anyone will ever tell you. I'll be praying for Dick Bob and you and hubby.

Mrs. Darling said...

You? A morning person? You're killing me!


small world said...

I got the headband at Hanna Anderson outlet store in Lake Oswego. They have pretty good sales there. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Love, Theresa

Mrs. Darling said...

Can you just update alraeady? Sheesh! its enough to make a saint swear!