O.K. So we added a new member to our family. Now, don't let the cuteness fool you. He is the most loving puppy but has the worst problem with potty training and chewing up binkies. He chewed up 3 binkies in the last day!!! He has begun to search them out on the excersaucer, the baby or the car seat. It's so annoying. I have often wondered WHY in the world I got him a puppy. I was so sure that it would be great considering our kids were all older but I was so WRONG. It's worse because I have a grandbaby now.
Speaking of our granddaughter, here is a pick of her and Pooh. I know it's not a front shot but I just loved this pic. She is in her little Indian outfit. She is such a joy and we love watching Pooh learn about being a mom and the love she shares with Honey Bee is wonderful. That's one of the wonderful things about homeschooling. We have time to learn a lot of things that she would not be able to do in a traditional school setting.
Homeschooling has given us so many open doors and we are developing many relationships that are deep and meaningful. Several of these relationships encourage and challenge our walk with the Lord. Christopher has been playing on a homeschool soccer team and they stop and do devotions half way through. I love that! Where else could you see and find that.
Ta Ta For Now
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