I get up exhausted and go through the days exhausted and go to bed exhausted. If one child hasn't been sick then another one has. Since my last post Eyore was off the crutches because he does not have another fracture. Yes! My little Roo was another story. One of the reasons it takes me so long to get back here is because she has been so sick. She was coughing non stop most of 3 days. Tears were streaming down her red cheeks along with her beautiful eyes being puffy and a new shade of red. Her frail frame would shake so hard that she could hardly stand upright. Then the steroids made her so crazy with energy that she was acting out and doing things no 7 year old should do. She took a rock and was wondering around the house with it (she loves rocks) and then scratched my flat screen monitor with it "to see what would happen". She was up til 2:00 in the morning leaping up and down the flight of stairs more times than I care to count. She would cough for long periods. I finally told her to watch a movie in our room and STAY in the recliner and don't MOVE! She finally fell into an exhausted sleep around 2:00 a.m.
So, this brings me to my next obsticle in life. I decide to take my Roo to school yesterday around 1:00 because she is finally doing so much better. Her steroids help alot. The problem is that they are doing swimming in the afternoon. I had called the school office on Monday and asked what I needed to do if she could make it to school on Monday later on (she didn't). They told me to take her to swimming and that would be fine. I said "I don't need to sign her in at scholl?" They said "No, just take her over there." Now, I ask you, do you think I should ask again? I didn't. I called and talked to the teacher the next morning and told her I was bringing her but she still wasn't feeling better. On the way to school she started into a coughing spell so I kept her. I called the office and told them the teacher was expecting her but I wasn't going to leave her after all. I said if she started feeling better that I would bring her later. I got a call from the secretary a little later saying don't bring her. She can't just come for the "party". I wasn't sure what they were getting at but I said o.k. Now I have had two conversations on two seperate days about her coming to school late. I do not analyize them. The third day the steroids kick in but not until the wee hours of the morning. By noon she is able to go to school. Swimming is what comes right after lunch. I proceed to the swimming pool (I live 2 blocks from there). The teacher takes one look at her and says NOOOOO, she can't come. School policy says she can't come if she didn't come to the academic part. I told her that the secretary said she could. What? She wouldn't say that. Long story short, she let her stay because she couldn't get a hold of anyone at the school. I decided to call the school a little later and make sure everything was cleared up. The first thing the secretary says is "What are you telling people I said?" It was a very defensive statement. I was only telling what I was told or what I understood. Then the secretary tells me the Principal wants to talk to me. Oh great. How does one small thing turn into something so big. The principal and I begin to talk and she is adament that it is a district wide policy. I told her I wasn't trying to cause any problems. One of the things she told me was that my child needs to "buck up" and come to school all day." I told her I didn't agree but it makes me so mad that she would say that. What right does she have to tell me or my child wether they are well enough to go to school? The Nerve! I have 2 very sick children. They seem to think they can decide wether my children can make it to school better than I can. I talked to Mrs. Darling about it and decided that having a meeting with the principal was the way to go. I went to the doctor with Eyore today (he's really sick) and got "notes" from the doctor that both kids had been seen and were sick. I'm going to take the "notes" into the principal and talk to her aobut the fact that they "know" when my kids are sick. Pray that the meeting goes well. I set it up for Tuesday at 3:30. I thik it's rediculous when the schools seem to have so much say and boldness when it comes to our kids. If they decide we didn't do what they want us to do, they can call up CSD and tell them. They don't need to stick their noses in other peoples lives so much. Now, I am a mom who is constantly checking in with the teachers about my kids. Getting make up work if they need it, checking to make sure that homework was turned in, letting the teacher know if the kids are having problems, ect. Yet, I still have a teacher irritated with me. She claimes she gave the work to Eyore but he doesn't have it. Why is it a problem for her to give it to him again? This is not a normal thing that he does. He is a responsible 4th grader. Get off our backs people! That's my statement for the day.
I took Eyore to the doctor today because he has been coughing every 5 seconds or so and it is a weird cough. I wasn't sure if it was ashtma or not. The doctor is very concerned something is wrong with his throat. They did lung xrays and think he has the beginings of Pnemonia. We caught it right away but it still amazes me that he can get something so fast. He is going on steroids, Zithromax, and his nebulizers. I think I will continue to be tired for the next few months. The doctors were telling me that the allergies are bad right now. Eyore is resting on the couch this afternoon and looks so weak and pitiful!
Onward Christian Soldiars Marching Off To War! Oh, that's me!
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Good luck girl!
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